Four prompts were sent to freelance poets asking them to evaluate and
creatively express the relationships we have with IoT devices.
The following poems were co-written based on their responses.
a hyperfilm by Jevi
Four prompts were sent to freelance poets asking them to evaluate and creatively express the relationships we have with IoT devices. The poems in this hyperfilm were co-written based on their responses.
This funny little item,
Right here on my wrist.
The best friend I could have,
Do I even write a list?
It knows my wants and feels my needs,
And helps me every day.
It is the best gift I ever received.
My buddy watch is here to stay.
Prompt: Write on a person's positive relationship with an IoT device set in the present.
This scary little item strapped onto my skin,
I never thought it could read my whims.
I have no secrets in this world gone blind,
It knows me too well, it sees into my mind.
It’s the worst gift I have received,
From its code I can not hide.
Prompt: Write on a person's negative relationship with an IoT device set in the present.
We walk to the beach,
I taste the salt of the sea.
It stays where the water can’t reach it,
It counts my blinks,
My sighs and heartbeats,
As we laugh together into the evening.
Prompt: Write on a person's positive relationship with an IoT device set in the future.